Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Whoa - Big time in the old town last night. Me and Herself went on over to the Tri Store (yes, home to the GTSC team of one). I thought that I was feeling good, emphasis on thought, and that I would do the planned workout, no problemo. Guess again slacker.
Planned workout: Spin class + Ole' Paris = one big old can of whup ass.
We did an interval workout on the CompuTrainer by Jamie Church - 55 minutes of get it, with the final interval being 130% of max sustainable power. I kicked it hard for the last one and cooled down and got dressed for part two. I did notice a slight twinge in my knee whilst dressing but thought nothing of it. Ride it off.........right? And good times were had by all. Law....... did I suffer! Two and a half hours on a tuesday night, just like summertime. I have to admit that it does leave me wanting more today. I guess that all of the time off has served it's intended purpose.
Ride on.............

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