Festival of Flowers Oly
This is (was) my first Olympic distance race and those of you who know me, you know that I have been having a bit of trouble with my feet. The dreaded planar faciatis in one foot and the (idiotic-evil) toe thing in the other. These issues have reduced my run training to pretty much nill. I thought of removing the toe by violent means, but decided to punish the evil toe by racing on it instead. This has seemed to be a very effective means of punishment because the evil toe has been very unhappy (Take That!).

The finish chute. Yes, it is as steep as it looks.
I let (this guy) borrow a wheel. Yes, it's true........... I Rock!
The run start or The road to hell.
I will update for race info later but for now, here are some pics.
Wow. I had such a fantastic time. Thanks to my lovely girlfriend Lynn for being the photographer, masseuse, navigator, head scratcher and bike holder (here, hold this) behind this operation .
More pics and details to follow.
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